Orders are processed and shipped within 2-3 business days. Once an order has been processed, delivery times can vary from 2-5 days, depending on location. After your order has been processed and shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation e-mail or text that contains the tracking number and details.
All orders are shipped via USPS. Once we drop packages off to be shipped, we cannot provide any further information regarding shipping, as the process is out of our control at that point.
From time to time, USPS may make mistakes (after all they are human too!), and to help with this, we offer Route shipping insurance that you may add onto your order. To do this, please go to the cart page and enable the Shipping Protection button that is located just above the Update Cart button. You can also do this by adding an item to your cart, and then enabling the option in the menu that pops out from the right of the screen. By purchasing this, if your package is lost, stolen, or otherwise missing, you will be able to file a claim with Route to get your money back. This feature is not for our profit, and we make nothing from it. It is available to protect you in the event of a missing or lost package.
*If you did not purchase Route shipping insurance on your order, Riley & Co will not provide a refund for missing or lost packages unless it is determined that a shipping mistake was made on our end.
If an incorrect address was entered during checkout, and the package is returned to us, you will be responsible for paying to re-ship your order to the correct address.
For additional inquiries, please email us at support@rileycoshoes.com
International Orders
We are not responsible for any customs related fees or charges.